Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Re-purposed bread and produce plastic tie tabs into markers


I very quick idea for keeping track of appliance cords, when you have to unplug one for another in the kitchen (or any room).

Save the larger plasitic tie tabs from produce, bread, or other purchased food items.  The larger ones have more space for writing.

Use a permanet sharpie marker to write the name of the appliance.  Attach it to the cord, near the plug end of the cord.

If you have smaller kitchen spaces, with more than a few applicances, this helps you identify the appliance cord quickly.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Repurposed Folgers Coffee Containers


Do you drink Folgers coffee, or know anyone who does drink this coffee?  Save the containers, wash and dry them, and repurpose them.  Check your local library for recipe books for homemade dry beverage mixes.

The smaller containers are perfect to fill with a dry drink recipe, such as homemade hot chocolate, mocha mint coffee (instant), or even tea mixture.  Print your own label, or hand create one.  Decorate the container or simply top the lid with a bow.  You could also recycle Christmas cards, and cut circles to fit the top, and glue to the lid.

The larger containers are great for homemade cleaning wipes, or for a feed scoop for your animals.

Chocolate covered stir sticks with mini marshmallows.

Tips:  Gift dry beverage mixes, paired with a new mug, hot chocolate stir sticks, kitchen gadgets, or cup/mug coasters.  Consider smaller recipe/cookbooks, kitchen towel, or other spoons.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

15 Ways to Use a Plastic Gum Case

 There are brands of gum that are sold in larger amounts in a plastic case. Here are a few ways to re-use those plastic cases.

Wash and dry your empty gum case.

1. Camping Medical Kit,  Desk kit at Work, or Glove Compartment in a vehicle.

Ideas to include:

-Individual doses of indigestion stomach aid, or gas relief

-Eye Glass wipes (individually wrapped)

-Alcohol wipes (individually wrapped)

-Benadryl (comes in handy for allergic reactions)

-Packet or individual packets of pain reliever (or simply fill a small plastic pill/vitamin bag found at most pharmacies in big box stores)

-nail file, small nail clippers, tweezers


-packet of burn cream

-packet of poison ivy relief

-sore throat aid (cough drop, throat drop, small packet of salt to make a warm gargle, or other gargle packet)

-eyedrops (some eye drops will fit in this container and come in handy)

Additional idea:  Keychain screwdriver/multi tool set

2. Use as a Container for a Crochet Tic-Tac-Toe crocheted travel game.

3. Use them to store small attachments or small parts/utensils in our utensil drawer, to keep them from being lost in the drawer.

4.Sewing Kit for Travel/Camping/Work

-Fill it with threads wrapped on a piece of cardboard


-small scissors

-safety pins

Or simply add a small, all inclusive sewing kit to Idea #1.  These can typically be found in sewing sections of stores or craft stores.

5. Stamp Holder

Store your Forever stamps in one place, and keep them organized at your desk or work area.

6. Travel Laundry Supplies

If you are traveling and need to do a load of laundry at a hotel or laundromat, you can organize those small detergent packets by storing them in a gum case.

7.  Organize hair bands.

8.  Organize bracelets and/or small hair barrettes

9.  Use it as a gift box.

Embellish the container, wrap it or wrap gift in tissue paper and add a ribbon.  Use it to gift gift cards or cash.

10. Use it for teabags when traveling.

Add individual packets of your sweetener/creamer as well.

11. Store or organize small crochet/knit tools. 

Example:  Yarn keys or other small tools

12.  Use the container to store any gift cards you receive.

Don't want to carry those cards all in your purse or wallet?  Keep them all in one place, so you can use them while you are out and about.

13. Sticker Storage 

The above stickers, are great for pricing items at craft shows or for garage sales, will fit nicely into these containers.  It makes is much easier to obtain a sheet of them, than trying to open and close the original packaging  (Avery 525 ct. 1/2 " x 3/4" All-purpose Labels).  It may be able to fit other labels as well.  Check your sticker sheet sizes and see if this works better for you.

14. 3M sticker/hook Storage

Depending on what sizes you have and how many, you can combine your extra 3M stickers, and smaller extra hooks, into one recycled plastic gum container.  All of your needs will be in one place.

15.  Ornament hook Storage

No matter what you put your extra ornament hooks in, they tend to tangle up, but storing them in the recycled gum case keeps them contained in one location, and keeps them from getting caught on other items in your Christmas storage (or crafting storage if you make ornaments to sell at craft shows).

Friday, September 8, 2023

Reused Glass Food Container - Baker's Salt and Pepper


A very simple idea - save smaller glass food jars.  Fill one with salt and one with pepper.  Keep them in a convenient location, with your baking ingredients, so you can easily measure and access them in the kitchen.  

I had been unscrewing the tops of my shakers to measure, when baking and cooking, and this is so much more convenient.  Such a simple way to recycle and make your day easier in the kitchen.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Lavender Sachets ~ A Scrap Fabric Project ~ No Sewing


Items Needed:
-Scrap fabric
-Iron on Fusing Web
-Ironing Board, or Ironing pad, and Iron
-Dried Lavender 
-Pinking Sheers
-Measuring Spoons (optional, but makes it easier to insert into your sachets), or disposable spoon, or spoon specifically used when mixing essential oils
-Scrap string, ribbon or yarn to tie around a set of sachets if gifting (optional)
-lavender essential oil (optional)

I use a travel size iron and ironing pad for craft projects.  I can place this on a kitchen counter, table or other smaller area to work.

I also grow lavender, but you can purchase it.

Fusing web can be found in different lengths, widths and brands.  I picked up this brand, as we have a long drive to larger craft stores.

1. Iron fabric if needed and cut 2 squares the same size for each sachet.  I cut mine approximately 4 x 4 inches.  Both sides do not have to match.  It's all about putting use to scrap fabric.

2.  Cut 4 pieces of fusing web for each side and place on the backside of one piece of fabric.  Heat your iron and place second piece of fabric on top with right side up.

3. Using the iron, press 3 sides to seal the fusing web.  Allow to cool and insert rice and lavender into the open side.  Add any amount you would like.  I used about 1 Tbsp. rice and 2 tsp. lavender.  If you add too much, you will have trouble sealing the 4th edge.

Note:  You can add a drop or two of lavender essential oil to your rice (or mix rice and oil in a bowl prior to starting this project and have it ready when needed).

4. Using pinking sheers, trim each side.  Note:  You can add hangers for hanging these if preferred, but I just tucked them into dresser drawers and placed them on closet shelving.

That's it!  These made nice homemade Christmas gifts, or gifts in general.  

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Plant Pot Protectors Using Scraps of Shelf Liner


Save leftover scrap sections of removeable shelf liner for other uses in your home.  I got my shelf liner by the roll at the local box store (made by Easyliner).  I had small sections left that would not fit any cupboard or drawer.

Those scrap pieces of shelf liner can be cut to fit under plant pots in your windowsill or on floors or table tops.  

In a pinch, these cut circles could also be put under cup coasters, especially cotton yarn, hand crocheted coasters (for protection of any wetness or spills).

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Scrap Yarn Hangers

 Simple Tip:  Save those small scraps of yarn to create hangers on anything needing one.  We found punching a hole in the plastic bags for leaving Random Acts of Kindness around towns, made it easier to leave in random places (hook on the back of a bathroom door, end cap store shelf, etc.).

I simply store the very small balls of yarn in a cardboard shoe box, but those small yarn balls can come in handy.