Monday, January 30, 2012

Pin Cushions ~ Using Kitchen and Art Utensils

These pin cushions were made with a small piece of scrap material and items from thrift stores - an ice cream dish, a metal paint mixing cup, a mini coffee cup, and a vintage jello mold.

Depending on the size of your container, gather polyester filling into the backside of a scrap piece of material.

Gather the material ends and pull tight.  Tie the gathered material with a piece of string (I used scrap string from animal feed bags).  Knot securely.

I used to use a rubber band, but over the years, they will fall apart.  You might also try using a metal bread twist tie.

Trim off the extra material.  Place glue into your container (I used E6000 for this project), and push your new pin cushion down into your container, so that your rounded end (as shown in the photo) is up.  Allow to completely dry.


  1. I love them all. Will you sell them or use them for gifts?

  2. Hi Kim,
    These will go in the hope chests for my kids, but you got me thinking now. I may do some more thrift store shopping and make some to sell in my "store." Thanks for the idea!

  3. What a great idea! I just found your blog through and I can tell I'm going to find a TON of ideas here from you!

  4. Instead of polyester you could also use hair collected from the hair brush or pencil shavings from your sharpener...(everything is digital so that could take a while) But I remember my Granny collecting the hair and making pin cushions with it. I also read it in Little House books last year.
    There are tons of things that could go inside these cute little necessary items...for way cheaper than poly-fill...if one was on a budget.

    Loved the towel holder too! Pat
