Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas Ornament ~ Using Thrift Store Finds, Leftover Yarn, and a Canning Lid

If you are lucky enough to find a bag of these wooden drapery rings:

I picked these up at a Goodwill store.  When I have the chance to thrift store shop, Goodwill offers a 1/2 price sticker item each week.  Typically they post the color of the sticker they are offering half price.  You can snatch up great buys for under $1.00.

The fabric that you see below was also purchased at a Goodwill store, and the glitter was given to me from someone whose neighbor was going to throw it out.

I happened to be reading other blogs I follow, and found this pattern for these fun crocheted ornaments:

Simple Statement Ornaments

I took leftover cotton yarn that I had from crocheting teacher gifts and other items (in Christmas colors), and in solid pastels.  

For the Christmas colored ones, I decided to use a canning lid for the center.  These would frame photos very nicely also. 

The wooden rings I purchased are about 3 inches wide.  The regular sized canning lids fit perfectly behind these rings.  

The canning lid fit like a glove, when placed white side down, on the backside of my ornament.  I decided to decoupage the back side with leftover fabric, and the front side with silver glitter.  I let that dry.

When these lids were completely dry, I purchased quilling paper in green and red.  I thought it would be easier to glue the canning lids to the wooden rings, prior to gluing the quilled holly and berry on to it.



 Finished Ornament with Quilled Holly Leaves and Berries

 For paper quilling instructions on making holly leaves and other shapes, visit Paper Quilling Instructions

These are so fun to make. You could decoupage the lid front side with dried flowers, vintage photos, or scraps.  These rings had hooks in them, so I was already to attach hangers when they were completely dry.

You never know what you'll find, or make, with thrift store goodies. 


  1. Those are really cute and I stuff like that all the time at the Goodwill, too :) :) I'm a bit of a thrift store junkie ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  2. That came out really cute. You seem to have a talent for many differnt crafts.
    I tried to leave a post on your other site, but it wouldn't let me. Glad to hear the big puppy is home.
    Nancy Jo

  3. Cute!
    I like the use of the canning could also use the flat lids off canned biscuits or canned juice...If one were to buy those items.
    I like these open and with the backs on them.
