Friday, March 9, 2012

Gift Tags and Bookmarks ~ Using Maps

My fun with recycling old maps didn't stop with making post cards.  The same craft book displays gift tags made with maps also.

You will need:
~cereal box cardboard or similar
~old maps
~pen or pencil
~glue stick
~ribbon or string 
~one hole, hole punch



For these, I used a canning lid to trace circles.  I cut 2 circles from the map - one for the backside and 1/2 of one for the front side.

Note:  You make these in all shapes and sizes.  Consider using cookie cutters or other templates for more creative gift tags.

To make bookmarks, simply cut a shape from your cereal box (any shape you prefer your bookmark to be).

Cut two pieces from the map, using the cut cardboard as a template.

Glue one piece of map to each side of the cardboard, trimming edges if needed.

Using a hole punch, punch a hole for a ribbon or string, if desired.


Bookmarks ~ make these and sneak them in suitcases or carry on baggage prior to someone's trip.  Give as gifts for any occasion.

Gift tags~These are fun to attach to a gift pertaining to travel, although they can be used for any gift.

1 comment:

Karrieann said...

I think it is time that I get a hole puncher!